Search Engine Network

Search ads are targeted to relevant keywords

Google Display Network

Wide targeting possibilities


An advert adheres to your client for however long, and whenever you prefer

Google Merchant

These are the popular product-focused campaigns, embellished with an image, name, product price etc.

Advertising on YouTube

In any given format, e.g. on a video, and whichever channel

Mobile advertising

These always come in handy, because who nowadays doesn’t spend time browsing mobile internet?

Audit of existing accounts

A thorough assessment done by independent experts

Web analytics

To what extent is the investment in Google Ads paying off?

Ads in Gmail

I.e. the favourite email site used by millions of users online

Thanks to properly prepared and launched AdWords campaigns, within moments we can acquire exposure to interested customers. When it comes to AdWords campaigns, we can specify ourselves under which searched queries the ad will be displayed. We also have a say on the geographical area of exposure (i.e. displaying the ad to users from a given region, city, county etc). Apart from this, we also can define which of our subpages is targeted via the ad.

With such specific campaign prepared, we are able to achieve constant, high-quality traffic that translates directly into profit. The ad we create is aimed only at genuinely interested users, looking for services, products or information that your company can offer. That way your ads won’t be wasted on uninterested minds.

In addition, the fee for PPC campaigns (Pay Per Click) is calculated only when your advert is clicked on (as the name suggests). So, only when the potential customer has entered your website through the ad, will you be charged for it. That maximizes efficiency, and once again, does not waste your money.

What’s Mapi media’s role during an AdWords campaign?

  1. Researching and choosing the relevant keywords – those best matching your business – which generate valuable traffic that translates into conversion
  2. AdWords account configuration - connecting all the Google analytical tools
  3. Examining and improving the landing page - so that your website can attract, allure and retain the customer, thus achieving its purpose
  4. Creating the campaigns and ads themselves; thereafter launching the campaign
  5. Monitoring your budget and campaign effectiveness
  6. Campaign optimisation and modifications - to increase efficiency and reduce advertising costs

What are the benefits of Google Ads campaigns, and what is the PPC advertising model?

  1. Range – we reach everyone. Over 98% of EU internet users use Google as their default search engine to find websites and companies offering products and services of their interest. By using Google Ads (formerly AdWords), we reach almost all users who are keen to find our company, goods, services etc. In Europe, Google has no competition – if someone is looking for services and products offered by your company, they will do it via Google.
  2. Contextual advertising – advertising targeted specifically at the client. An advert correlated you’re your website will appear in the ad boxes next to natural search results. This is only related to the specified keyphrases – therefore the ad is not targeted at random people – it is displayed only to those who show interest. In addition, full control over the ad’s content ensures a better match with a given searched query, and thus the keyphrase. When it comes to organic results, such precision is not always guaranteed, and the internet user tends to click only on the result that best matches their preference and query.
  3. Full budget control. The budget is determined dynamically – you can change it at any time. Full control over your daily and monthly budget allows you to quickly modify expenses by investing only in the most profitable ads. We also learn about it instantly – the first results can be noticed as quickly as 24 hours after the campaign has been launched.
  4. Measuring effectiveness and advanced statistics. By combining data with Google Analytics and AdWords, we can track how customers behave on your website, and how they respond to your ads. We can discover which ad group generates the highest profit, where weak points emerge along the customer’s path (from clicking on the ad to making a purchase) and conclude where progress is hindered or where changes need to be implemented.
    Statistics aren’t mere numbers – they tell us a lot about your website, and customers. They specify what aspects require improvement in order to work more effectively. And we do not keep this knowledge to ourselves, we share our findings and suggestions directly with the client, and undertake actions that generate even better results.
  5. A quick effect and solid support for the long-term SEO strategy. During an AdWords campaign, our search ads become visible online within 24 hours of the launch. In terms of SEO activities, our website visibility isn’t achieved immediately, and on average it takes weeks to notice any results, especially if we are dealing with competitive keywords and phrases. SEO is a promising, long-term technique, but it takes far longer for the process to become fruitful – mainly because this method strives to grant your website permanent success. AdWords only work when in use, though their primary benefit is that such form of online marketing works almost instantly. What’s more, with AdWords, we can target our advertising to specially chosen and promoted pages (i.e. landing pages), which don’t even have to be visible in natural search results.

Are there any restrictions to the Google Ads system?

There are some restrictions on the topics of websites and industries that Google simply does not allow to promote, but the more important aspect is the competitiveness of the phrases.

For less competitive phrases, Google will not display ads; it is only possible to display the ads under more general phrases, though they can generate less valuable traffic. So, in this case (i.e. when trying to promote minor keywords) traditional SEO activities tend to be more rewarding.

Furthermore, when preparing an AdWords campaign, we must specify the groups of phrases under which we will target the advertisement. This is often a limitation, especially compared to natural search results, which can generate entries for very complex queries, by matching a webpage’s content. Options with very complex phrases cannot be found in AdWords, nor is it possible to advertise under such keyphrases, due to the low number of searches and overall competition.

Optimisation of Google Ads campaigns

Optimisation is one of the most important activities in the AdWords industry. It allows you to increase your ad's click-throughs, reduce costs, achieve more conversions. In essence, it will make your campaign more effective and profitable.

Comprehensive optimisation of the AdWords campaign covers every element on the customer's online journey - from entering a specific phrase in Google search engine to clicking, and undertaking actions on the advertiser's landing page.

Thanks to the immense data and statistics gathered throughout the ongoing campaign, we can improve the following individual elements:

  1. Modify keywords - we receive a lot of relevant information after the first clicks are garnered - we can narrow down the phrases to the most effective, and exclude phrases that are less productive - leaving the internet users some freedom, but within our specified framework.
  2. Set a schedule for displaying ads – we choose the most efficient display period, i.e. when customers are most likely to make progressive action (purchase your goods or order services).
  3. Modify the content of ads, taking into account qualitative rating and CTR - better-matched ads provide more click-throughs or better-quality rating - this affects cheaper clicks.
  4. Change the rate - for some ads, it's worth increasing your rates - a higher position translates into valuable clicks. Sometimes reducing your rates allows you to keep traffic at a similar level, but with significant budget savings.
  5. Change the targeting of ads - for some phrases e.g. involving your services or products, the home page will work as the best landing site. For others, like location ‘area-specific’ phrases, a dedicated subpage with precise information will be the more suitable choice.
  6. Modify ad groups and exposure for specific products - by investing in the visibility of the ads that are most successful at selling products or services.

Do you want to find an answer to frequently asked questions related to Google Ads (AdWords)?

Check out what others are asking.

  • What is the difference between PPC and CPC?

    PPC is a general term for ads we pay for, albeit only when they’ve been clicked on, and the user has been transported to our website. CPC- (Cost Per Click) determines the cost per click of an ad. CPC is one of the basic elements considered during an AdWords campaign - it determines the costs incurred for the campaign.

  • What is CTR?

    CTR (Click Through Rate) - this is the click-through rate of the ad, i.e. the percentage ratio of the number of ad reactions to clicks. A high CTR indicates that the interest in the advert, or campaign as a whole, is high. This is an important, first element indicating that the undertaken promotional activities have been successful.

  • What determines the cost of a click?

    The costs of clicks in AdWords Ads fluctuate continuously. But there are several factors that determine the cost of clicks:

    • The competitiveness of a phrase. The keyphrases brining the most profit are usually the most competitive. Advertisers usually set higher maximum rates that are able to pay for each click.
    • The ad’s position and results page - if we want our ad to appear high, and on the first Google results page, we should set the appropriate rates. The first page of Google is usually exposed to most interaction, therefore the top ad positions should have additional support that can attract customers - thus increasing CTR.
    • The quality score - each individual phrase (taking into account the content of the ad and the page to which it directs) receives a qualitative score on a scale of 1 to 10. Meeting a higher rating makes it possible to achieve higher ad positions, at a much lower cost than that of the competition.

    All the above elements are connected. By setting the maximum cost per click, we simultaneously decide whether the ad will be displayed in the highest Google positions. We also get a quality result (which can change and increase if our ad has the appropriate CTR).

  • What Google Ads optimisation comprises of:

    The optimisation of Google Ads is a broad term for a series of undertaken activities that strive to achieve the most effective results with the lowest possible budget. Optimisation should be carried out cyclically, based on information and data obtained from the campaign. See our list above to learn what ‘activities’ really means.

  • Why is optimisation necessary?

    Enough experience in running AdWords campaigns and related ads will allow you to get make an initial start, and avoid erroneous and unfavourable solutions. But each target group, industry and website have specific demands. These demands need to be matched and met in order for the campaign to produce most success. It’s like releasing your average, low-suspension car on an off-road track. Will it get you to A to B? Possibly. But it might take more than it needs to, and success is never guaranteed. That’s why you invest in a new suspension, thicker tires, bigger engine, to make the road as quick and efficacious as possible, without damaging or making errors in the long run.

    That’s why it’s necessary to constantly monitor which solutions bring the best effect, and apply changes if need arises. Additionally, the activities undertaken by your competition also change and evolve - which should be taken into account. They affect our advertising environment and the rates themselves. If the competition is not rightly tackled, and our methods don’t comply with the trends, we might lose the battle.

  • What’s included in the campaign optimisation?
    • Phrase modification – Adding/Removing specific phrases or matching methods - focusing on the costs and effectiveness of given solutions.
    • Modifying the content of Ads - limiting the content to the most effective, persuasive designs, thus providing a higher CTR and better conversion.
    • Landing Page Updating - Modifies the targeting of your ads to specific website landing pages. This shift increases the performance.
    • Changing Rates - Increasing rates may be better for some ads, while lowering them can be equally effective for others, thus reducing costs. Whichever applies to your ad is strictly determined by optimisation.

    These are the standard, basic elements subject to optimisation during the campaign. There are tons of other aspects, of course, that need consideration, some of minor, some of major importance. Optimisation allows us to determine which strands ought to be prioritised or implemented to the fullest, in order to achieve the incoming traffic from AdWords ads, without spending a fortune.

  • When is it worth investing in Google Ads campaigns?

    As a rule, it is recommended to purchase sponsored links when your products or services cost roughly over twenty pounds, or 25 euros. However, you should bear in mind that in some cases, a customer may click a single time on your online advert, but he/she will return to buy more, acquiring you a regular customer. So even if the customer who heeds your offer spends less than £20 at once, they will make several subsequent purchases over time. This permanent impact is as valuable as a customer who makes a single, but more expensive purchase.

    If your goods or services are therefore inexpensive, but the nature of your business appreciates regular customers, and steady profit gain, Google AdWords should still be your primary solution/means of online advertising.

  • How to calculate the profitability of Google Ads campaigns?

    The ROI (return on investment) is a determinant of the profitability of an AdWords campaign. In the case of AdWords campaigns, it’s the ratio of profits to costs incurred for advertising.

  • How to calculate ROI?

    We can calculate it with the following example formula:

    ROI% = (Revenue- (production cost + advertising cost)) / (production cost + advertising cost)

    A score of zero indicates that the total cost of the ad has returned. A result of 25% means that the investment has paid back, and we have consequently obtained 25% additional income. 50% means that we have earned an additional 50% profit from the Ads investment. And so on and so forth…

    When ROI% turns negative, then we can conclude campaign is ineffective – not only it fails to obtain profit, it also generates losses. If, in an unlikely scenario, this occurs, either the strategy needs to be amended, or the whole system scrapped.

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How do we run Google Ads (AdWords) campaigns?

We research phrases and words that Internet users frequently use to find specific products or services. Based on this data, we choose the best keyphrases that most suit your offer, and exclude phrases that may limit or hamper effectiveness.

We create an individual strategy of activities for your website. Like we mentioned above, each business, industry and website differ, so each aspect needs to be tackled differently. This individual approach takes into account the budget, strategy, optimisation and demands of the clients, as well as their objectives.

We inspect which pages of your website are best suited for targeting ads. I.e. we determine whether they contain elements that encourage the customer to take a specific action, whether they have a persuasive and alluring nature or don’t possess elements that hinder the accomplishment our goal/s.

We connect or configure tools for measuring statistics and outline campaign goals.

We configure campaigns, create ads, set the rates.

We monitor the campaigns, your budget, and general performance of the whole project.

We optimise campaigns.

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