How Can You Increase the Number of Interactions When Your Website Isn’t in Top Search Results?


There is no doubt that number of interactions depends on a given website position in Google search results.

Average user decides to visit websites that appear within top three search listings. These are usually the websites that answer user’s queries best. It seems that CTR, that is click through rate, showing the relations between number of impressions and interactions is higher with websites in top listings. There are a few ways to increase number of interactions for websites which appear lower. How can you do it? See the following tips.

How can you increase the number of interactions when your website isn’t in top search results?

Websites which appear lower in search results don’t have dramatically lower number of interactions when compared to first three results. Users will find your link attractive if it draws their attention. Links need to look attractive and present relevant and engaging content when it comes to metatags. Of course users won’t always scan all search results, if it’s the first one which answers their queries. Yet, in case of long tail queries there is much bigger chance that users will take closer look.

What kind of links get the most of users’ attention? Content

Eye-catching links give relevant information about our website and give a promise of providing answers to users’ queries.

First important element is the title tag appearing below a given link. It’s distinguished by its color and font type. The words used need to engage users and include your keywords. The title tag can’t be too long because Google may show only its fragments.

Below the title tag is the actual link to your website. It also can’t be too long and complex. It’s best when link informs where exactly it leads to, what’s on your website. Traditional URLs can be replaced with the so called breadcrumbs showing subpage’s layout.

Below link you can see a given website description. The description should include both keywords and call to action words, suggesting for example that your shoes are comfortable to wear, recipe is easy and equipment reliable. Meta description is created for users and their needs, hence it’s important to engage them.

Also, don’t forget about meta tags, which can significantly increase the number of interactions. You can learn more here.

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Eye-catching links

If you expand your link with additional elements you can boost users’ interest and consequently its CTR. Standard search result includes title tag, link and meta description, all mentioned above. There isn’t really much to be done with these. You can only optimize each of these elements. Yet, there are additional elements, which can make your link stand out against others. These are images and graphics (images of products or ready-made dishes) users’ reviews (popular stars), number of opinions, product price, date of entry, time needed to prepare dishes, their calorific value and brand words.


The answer how to increase number of interactions for websites appearing lower in search results is simple. You need to take action and take care of standard elements, particularly meta tags optimization and use additional elements. Not all changes will bring immediate results, but it’s definitely worth your time to test different solutions.