How to Make Online Store Optimisation More Efficient?

Online store optimisation relies on the same methods as used by SEO specialists in standard website optimisation. There are some issues that you need to take into account when optimising online stores.

There is a lot of factors that influence online store’s rankings. Most of them you should take into account when building the store, and also while later product implementation. Online store optimisation, especially the one with a lot of competition should involve few important elements.

Online store and its popularity

Online Store Optimisation – good practices

SSL certificate

It’s obligatory to introduce HTTPS protocol in case of online stores and many other websites using personal data and relying on online payments. It’s not only one of Google ranking factors but also a warranty of safety both for stores’ clients and owners.

Page load time

Page load time has been discussed recently in one of the articles (click.) Online store optimisation will be more effective if page load time, including descriptions and products is short. It’s worth to notice that a huge number of users leaves the website when it doesn’t load within 3 seconds.

Relevant keyword phrases

There is a lot of articles advising on proper choice of keyword phrases. In case of online store it’s sometimes a good idea to optimise for less competitive phrases, closely connected with store’s product range. Store owner usually knows best what products generate the most profit – hence, it’s a good idea for the owner to cooperate with SEO agency employees when choosing keywords.

Relevant keywords and SEO optimisation

Internal linking

Online store optimisation is supported by backlinks. Internal linking is also not without merit. It makes navigation within website and finding relevant information much easier. Internal linking is important for each online store, although the huge ones should pay here special attention.

URL addresses for all products

Each product should have its own, short and easy to remember URL address. The simplest way is to have each product’s name in the URL address. URL addresses including keyword phrases can influence online store optimisation.

Online store optimisation and its mobile version

Products descriptions

You can read how to make effective  product description here. For search engine bots it’s really important for descriptions to be unique (we don’t paste producers’ descriptions) and include keyword phrase. In  order to attract users you should write in a positive way.

Smartphones and tablets versions

Mobile website version that is fully responsive is another Google ranking factor. Due to mobile first index it will be even more important. Mobile website version gives a chance to engage mobile devices users.