Blog As a Way of Getting New Clients

Company blogs are gaining momentum now. They are effective ways of gaining clients’ trust.

Thanks to expert articles companies can easily gain clients’ trust, and as a result generate more interest in their offers. What’s interesting, it’s not only the content that matters, it’s also the way the blogs look, their layout and extra elements such as call to action buttons. Engaging blogs that are carefully planned and strategized are one of the best methods of gaining new clients.

New posts – new subpage and new keywords

Blogs definitely increase the size of websites. Each new blog post is a new subpage, where you can use new keywords. All these influence websites’ ranks within search engine and therefore increase target groups. Keywords must always be selected with utmost care and it’s vital to spread them over blog posts in a natural manner, within content, headers, URL address and meta descriptions.

Blog – how to get users’ attention?

Let’s say that your website is optimised for search engines and has a lot of traffic. Users make decisions whether to stay on the website or leave it within the first few seconds. Therefore, it’s best to optimise the elements which users look at first. These are definitely titles, pictures but also headlines. None of these elements should look trite – you should devote some time to create proper titles and headlines.

Blog, blog posts

Headlines are the best elements that can effectively distinguish content. Others are charts, tables, pictures and also bold or underlined texts or itemized lists. Distinguished texts look much better than simple blocks of text with no paragraphs or any other eye-catching elements.

You can read more on this topics here.

How to increase users engagement?

Blogs are there to get the attention of new users, but in case of company blogs it’s the most important to make users your clients. It’s perfect when users move from company blogs right to your offer subpage and make orders. Of course, it’s not always the case but there is a lot you can do to achieve this. How? Best practices are to use call to action buttons (CTA’s) and pop ups. CTAs direct users to various places on your website where for example they can make purchases they read about on your blog.

Of course, too many pop ups can be irritating, yet they are effective ways of giving important information. Obviously, you shouldn’t  exaggerate with their number and size because they can irritate users and discourage them from doing anything on your website. Just one pop up with engaging information like visit us again, sign up for a newsletter or check our promotions can be an effective tool.

Sharing blog post on social media

Blogs greatly correspond with other marketing strategies, for example with email marketing or other marketing activities on social media. Social media favour short posts but the ones with links to interesting blog posts are also highly popular and generate a lot of traffic. What’s interesting, it works both ways, you can publish on Facebook posts informing about your new blog posts and your blog should include Facebook and other social media channels icons.