How To Promote Your New Website?

You have finally decided to build a website. Your website is responsive, easy to navigate and full of engaging content and great offers. Unfortunately, number of visitors is still low. It’s high time to start promotion. Where to start?

A new website usually has a lot of competition. It’s rather impossible for a new website to quickly move up in search engine ranks and leave all the competition behind. Still, if you engage into promotion and draw attentions of users you can start enjoying having a website.

New website and promotion

Broadening brand awareness and increasing your website traffic can take different forms. As website owner you can rely on both free and paid forms and channels of website promotion. Entrepreneurs, who are just starting their business and who have already spent quite a lot of money on building a website will probably choose free solutions, or the ones which don’t require much financing.

Blog and You Tube channel

Users generally can be divided into the ones  who prefer written content and the ones who prefer audio-visual content. Today having a blog and a You Tube channel are both trendy and profitable. Of course, on condition that you’re doing it right.

Running a blog is a great idea for your website promotion. Interesting content engages users and encourages them to dig deeper. Valuable content can really draw their attention. What’s more, every article is a new sub-page, which is important from the point of view of SEO.

YouTube is the most popular video content website. It’s a good idea to add your own videos there, keeping in mind to have the right titles and meta descriptions. Video content is engaging and shortens the distance between your brand and users. In videos it’s natural to direct the viewers to blog articles and other sub-pages of our website.

Guests posts

If you’re running your own blog it’s possible you’re reading other business related blogs. Maybe, some of them are so interesting that you’re thinking of publishing your guest posts there? It’s a good idea to ask around about such a possibility. In this way your articles can reach much broader target groups. You can also set up a meeting with a popular blogger, and ask for writing  posts on your blog, in this way you can also draw new visitors.

Social media

Social media presence is very important in today’s world, (you can see more here.) In UK it’s still Facebook that’s most popular – each business should have their own fan page to be visible online. On social media you can publish short posts, news form company’s life, information about new products, links to the articles on your blog or video on your channel and much more. If your posts are interesting and helpful there’s a huge chance that your visitors can start sharing them.

Website search engine optimisation

With regards to search engine optimisation of your website it’s best to rely on specialist advice and help. If you’re trying to optimise your website and have no experience in this topic it’s best to ask for help, an inexperienced specialist can do more harm than good. It’s much better to use a professional interactive agency. A new website won’t appear high in search results right away, this process takes time but experienced SEO specialists can make it visible in Google. After all, this is where your visitors can find you.

Paid ads

So far there’s been no information about paid ads, which can be set up on social media, You Tube and Google. Google AdWords is an advertising system which is a quick way to appear high in search results. It’s best to use this solution before your new website if effectively optimised.

Facebook also has advertising systems, as well as other social media channels. Advertising systems allow to reach expanded target groups and draw new visitors. You can also easily distinguish yourself from the competition.

Advertising on You Tube is another solution. This topic has been already discussed here.