Online Store and FAQ Sections

FAQ section refers to the sub-page where the most frequently asked questions are answered. This section can save a huge amount of time both of customers and online store owners.

There is a number of factors influencing customers’ purchase decisions. One of them is definitely gained trust and feeling of security. It’s provided among others by FAQ section, where the most frequently appearing problems and issues are discussed and answered. Customers can easily find answers to their questions. If customers don’t find answers they are forced to send individual queries and wait for replies. In many cases customers resign from purchasing and leave websites.

Online store without FAQ section can function and generate profits, but under condition that it is intuitive, easy to navigate and filled with user friendly content, which explains basic store related issues. It’s important to have dedicated employees, who can reply to customers’ queries instantly. If you can’t find these in online store, FAQ section is necessary.

Why FAQ section is a must in online stores?

Saves time of both users and online store service workers

Customers go through FAQ section and find answers to their queries. Probably these are the questions other users asked and store owners decided to answer them and make customers lives much easier. In FAQ sections customers can find answers and solutions to relevant issues connected with store offer, they are time saving and helpful. Store employees also save their time, since they don’t need to deal with queries sent by individual customers.

Creates positive company image

FAQ sections help to gain customers’ trust and make them feel secure and well informed. Customers get the feelings that given store really takes care of them, knows their needs and when necessary provides them with solutions to their problems. Moreover, FAQ section together with company blog can help in building brand recognition.  Yet, it’s important for the questions to be clear and easy to understand. The same goes with answers.

Helps in internal links building

Internal linking is relevant for customers and Google bots as well. FAQ answers very often refer to points from store regulations or warranty conditions, therefore they can directly lead to them. Internal linking, similarly to keywords and relevant answers to users queries, make Google bots treat our website as valuable, hence increase its position within SERPs.

You can read more on this topic here.

How should FAO section look like?

FAQ section consist of questions and answers. It’s good practice for the most frequently asked questions to appear first, in this way you can save a lot of customers time. All the answers should be specific and relevant. We try not to use a complicated language and vague terms. No customer should have any problems with processing the answer. Where can you find ideas for FAQ? Some of them we can guess ourselves, others we can get from the competition and other from our email box.