Promotion of New Business in Social Media

Each business wants to be visible online, apart from building website it’s good idea to have profiles in social media.

Today it’s especially important to have Facebook profile. It’s common knowledge that it’s truly effective channel. This article aims to advise on promoting new businesses online – companies and websites just starting their online activities. Promotion in social media doesn’t have to be difficult.

New business in social media

Promotion of new business without marketing plan?

Definitely no! It’s true that social media appear to promote instant communication, yet it doesn’t mean that you can act without marketing plan. At the very beginning, you need to learn as much as possible about the medium and its characteristics. For example, while creating fan page you should learn its functionalities, ways of campaign setting, posts moderation etc.  When you’re setting your account you need to remember to select proper business category, fill in all the necessary information, especially contact details, adding picture and video.

Another important issue is assigning a dedicated person responsible for fan page. Currently Facebook allows to choose from its various functions and select account managers, administrators etc. Yet, you can’t assign administrator or manager functions to random people. Best practice is to choose a few persons and make them act according to marketing plan.

Connected business website with social media profiles

When your fan page is active don’t forget to put Facebook icon on your website. When users click the icon they are automatically directed to your fan page. This solution is particularly important in case of blog, linking it with social media allows for instant sharing.

Social media icon

Creating posts and participating in discussions

There is a lot of advice on creating effective Facebook posts.  It’s worth to read previous posts to learn that engaging post should be short, interesting, coming with eye-catching graphics, image or video and published during peak hours. If there are comments below you need to reply. We try to be active in discussions – especially the ones on topic related forums. After all, social media presence isn’t only about publishing posts.

New business promotion and statistics

At the beginning activities can rely on intuition, still you need to analyze their effectiveness. Social media allow for statistics and analysis concerning fan pages. Statistics and a lot of data make it easier to adjust content and publishing times to users.